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Speaking and singing to my English Club.
I have helped many Vietnamese kids to improve their English.

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Saying hello to 2 Vietnamese people at Grand Canyon. Then, I sang them a Vietnamese poem.

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Shopping at a rock store and speaking Chinese to the owner. He showed me all the beautiful things in the store.

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Joining a group of people who sing and speak Spanish. I sang them a Christmas song.
With L-Brain, I do not need to know or speak a new language to be able to teach my kid. I can help my son speak Spanish, Japanese, French, Korean and Italian without knowing these languages in advance.
I found this method while walking with my son on the language journey when he was a little baby to the age of 4.
I discovered a much faster and more effective way to make my little boy speak Spanish with the method which I named L-Brain. Lean more...
I discovered a much faster and more effective way to make my little boy speak Spanish with the method which I named L-Brain. Lean more...
L-Brain Projects
One year project to make moms and kids speak English like a native. The project is full.english club 2021
L-Brain Speak Up 2021
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february 10, 2022
L-Brain - The Ultimate Guide to ACQUIRE a New Language
Let's learn a new language as though it was our mother tongue. We do not try to learn its alphabet at first. We try to take in the sound of the language, then the meaning of the sound. The next step is to replicate the sound and SPEAK it.
FEBRUARY 10, 2022
9 Fun Benifits to Have Language Ability
1. Having friends all over the world online and offline
2. Enjoying speaking with people all over the world
3. Experiencing different cultures
4. Enjoying being Mr. Professor in My English Club at 7 years of age
5. Making people happy in restaurants when I sing to them their home country songs
6. Telling people that I am special
7. Believing that I am special
8. Enjoying food from the 8 different cultures
9. Teaching languages to people